On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
Summer Competition
2021 - 2022
Coming soon....
our policies
Peaceful Bayside is bringing community action and fresh, visionary leadership to Bayside
Domestic violence is Australia’s number one policing issue*. We believe the attitudes of power holders can change through our advocacy and how we conduct ourselves. We also believe we all should be talking about these issues a lot more. We need momentum behind community led initiatives across Australia with localised, grassroots solutions.
Our community needs to break cycles of violence. We need to intervene with traumatised boys and girls. If girls grow up in family violence, they are more likely to be victimised themselves.
Trauma also plays a large part in a lot of men’s actions. A large number of men are victim perpetrators. We need to help children recover from growing up in this environment, to stop feeling like they need to get their needs met by more violence.
This is not a women’s issue. Men need to get involved in strategising and finding solutions. We believe collaboration rather than domination is key.

Peaceful Bayside supports justice reinvestment.
“At the heart of justice reinvestment is the idea that a safer society comes from building stronger communities, and that communities are best placed to identify which problems affect them the most and what strategies to try which might address these issues.
Justice reinvestment is a way of working that is led by the community, informed by data and builds strategies to address issues at a local level.
The aim is to redirect funding away from prisons and into communities that have high rates of contact with the criminal justice system, through both community-led initiatives and state-wide policy and legislative reform.”
Peaceful Bayside's 10 point plan
Our ten point plan for addressing domestic violence in Bayside includes:
1. Education of young men at high schools - which behaviour is respectful and acceptable, and what constitutes domestic abuse. How to deal with trauma after witnessing or experiencing domestic violence.
2. Education of young women at high schools - how to identify domestic abuse cycles, and what to do if you or your friends find yourselves in those situations. How to deal with trauma after witnessing or experiencing domestic violence.
3. Public education campaigns about respect for each other, in particular for women and girls.
4. Making the domestic violence statistics known to the community, and for the Peaceful Bayside Action Group and Bayside Councillors to be vocal about this issue so that it’s not hidden.
5. The Peaceful Bayside Action Group and Bayside Councillors to consult with experts on an ongoing basis on what is needed locally to address these issues.
6. Identify a learning and education path for women and men when recovering from domestic violence trauma to upskill for future employment.
7. Promote current assistance services in the local area, including mental health services for men and women.
8. Address domestic violence needs in the LGTBQI community.
9. Support Bayside Council to lobby the State Government for additional training of our police force or a task force to be implemented specifically for DV, where they continue to stay connected with DV victims through to recovery; and mental health experts who work closely with the Police. Victoria
10. Take note of Australian and international best practice in these areas and bring these models to Bayside.

* Australia’s number-one law and order issue
* Australia's children (Australian Government - Institute of Health and Welfare
If you are in immediate danger call 000
Additional resources and information below