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creative bayside

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Artist Workshop

Peaceful Bayside wants to create a prosperous, inclusive and engaged community by re-imagining Bayside as an arts and culture hub. We will develop and support comprehensive initiatives that seek to empower and support local creatives and industry, that also enhance the liveability and wellbeing of the wider Bayside community. In turn, this will revitalise the area and bring outside visitors, making Bayside a destination and creating a host of new opportunities.

The creative arts are instrumental in creating a vibrant, healthy and prosperous community. They enrich the physical, social, economic and cultural fabric of an area, improving wellbeing and liveability for its residents. 


Based on research conducted in 2020, the creative arts industry contributes significantly to the Australian economy, employing 194,000 Australians and directly contributing $14.7 billion to the GDP. In fact, the creative and performing arts employ four times as many people as coal mining, and as many as the finance industry. Not to support and foster the creative arts in Bayside would be a missed opportunity.


Beach Painting
delivery of an arts & culture plan for bayside 
  • Community consultation

  • Renew Bayside initiative

  • Arts and cultural grants

  • 'Rewrite The Night' initiative

  • Perfect Match program

  • A permanent museum and gallery space

  • Bayside Artist-in-Residence program

  • Arts, culture, food and heritage trail

  • Local arts and culture festivals

  • Arts policy for developers


community consultation

The development of any good policy involves engaging with the local community to find out what people desire and envision - in this case, for the reinvention of Bayside as an arts and culture hub. Peaceful Bayside has researched and developed successful initiatives we want to bring to Bayside, but we want to test these with residents and explore your thoughts and ideas.

Online Communication

Peaceful Bayside actively supports revitalising the area through the implementation of a Renew Bayside initiative following the successful 'Renew Newcastle’ model. There are a high number of empty shops throughout the Bayside LGA that could be utilised to enliven the area. 


Statistics showed that every dollar invested in Renew Newcastle generated an impressive fourteen times that in economic benefit to the city, a 60%+ drop in vacancy rates, 26% decrease in property crime, and 500,000+ more tourists each year.



Creative Team in Studio
Aboriginal Australian Artist

Provide a comprehensive arts and cultural grants program to support individuals and industry which will

  • Contribute to the development and sustainability of arts individuals and industries in the Bayside LGA

  • Increase community connection through art in the public domain, providing a range of access points for the community to participate in and enjoy arts and culture

  • Promote a vibrant street life, support local business and encourage visitors to Bayside

  • Encourage and support community-based projects

  • Help individuals and industry recover from the impacts of COVID-19

'rewrite the night'

Currently Georges River Council has put forward a ‘Rewrite The Night’ initiative following their nighttime economy study. Working in line with the NSW government’s Greater Sydney 24-hour economy strategy, we will endeavour to deliver a similar initiative to revive Bayside. This would make it easier for daytime businesses to trade at night with a different offering such as a small bar, live music, arts and performance. It would vastly increase the options and diversity for nighttime entertainment in the area.

Girls Night Out
Man Looking at Graffiti copy
perfect match

Implementing the ‘Perfect Match’ program initiated by Inner West Council to help tackle graffiti, beautify the Bayside area, and create opportunities for artists and the local community. Peaceful Bayside supports Bayside Council to implement a similar street art program.


“Perfect Match is a unique initiative tackling unwanted graffiti through fostering legitimate creative expression and art in public spaces. The Perfect Match approach brings artists, residents, businesses, property owners and community together to collaboratively create fantastic new street artworks in public places.

Property owners are invited to find their Perfect Match by nominating their wall to be transformed by an artist. Artists submit their designs and ideas. Council then plays Cupid!”

a permanent museum and gallery space

Peaceful Bayside supports Bayside Council prioritising the use of council-owned property to create a permanent museum and gallery space, like the Hurstville Museum and Gallery run by Georges River Council.

  • A place to engage with the local history of the area 

  • A place for workshops, talks, programs, and events

  • A place for exhibitions

  • A permanent venue would open up opportunities for the creation of initiatives such as a contemporary art prize, film festival, and live music and performance

Art Gallery
Painter in Studio
bayside artists-in-residence program

Peaceful Bayside wants to see the use of council-owned property or sites to create an artist-in-residence program. The artist/s would be required to run a workshop or have an open day as part of the residency which would, in turn, engage the local community and bring visitors.

arts, culture, food and heritage trail
 Peaceful Bayside supports the establishment of:
  • An online map/directory that highlights the arts, culture, food and heritage on offer in the Bayside local government area (LGA)

  • The dedication of an annual trail weekend where creative individuals and industries open their doors to the public. Events will be run in conjunction with this.

  • A permanent heritage and nature walking trail that has signposts explaining places and sites of significance


Peaceful Bayside will lobby for the protection of local heritage. Further information is to be released in our Heritage policy.

Residential Houses
Festival of Color
local arts and cultural festivals
 Peaceful Bayside will call on Bayside Council to:
  • Provide support for already existing multicultural festivals

  • Provide support for grassroots and not for profit organisations to create festivals and open days

  • Foster new festivals based on community consultation and feedback

arts policy for developers

Peaceful Bayside will lobby for a new policy that makes it compulsory for all developments over a certain amount (to be decided) in the Bayside LGA to develop and implement a public art plan that gives back to the local community in the form of publicly accessible and engaging art.


Here is a snippet from the Georges River Council policy:

"Under modified provisions in the Development Control Plan/s for the major centres of Kogarah, Hurstville, and Riverwood; all new developments having a development cost/value of more than $5 million must develop and implement a Public Art Plan. A minimum of 1% of the total cost of the development is to be allocated to the public art budget.”

Sculpture at Sunset
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