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Fatalities - contact premier minns

In response to the tragic accident on The Grand Parade at Monterey on Friday 25 August where two young brothers, aged nine and 10, were killed, we're asking all locals - and also those right across the Bayside and St George areas - to write to Chris Minns, our Premier, asking his government to take immediate action.

Suggested wording is below for an email you can send to Premier Minns and copy to:


Minister for Roads - John Graham

Minister for the Environment - Penny Sharpe

Rockdale State MP - Steve Kamper

Email addresses:;;;;;;


Please feel free to edit this copy into your own words and to add any relevant points or facts to make this a more personalised email, which will be more effective and have greater impact.

You can find out more about the accident on our
In the News page.


Monterey Car Accident Flowers - 25 August 2023 II.jpg
Monterey Car Accident - 25 August 2023.png
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Dear Premier Minns, 


Two children are dead after the horrific crash on ​The Grand Parade on ​Friday night. The worst fears of Bayside residents have come true. 


For the last three years there have been active community campaigns for safer streets in Bayside. We have heard too many times from ​the State ​Government that action has not been taken because there have been ​no fatalities, despite community warning​s that this might happen​.


Now is a clear turning point - your government must act.


Bayside Council has already enacted the following measures:


  • Hooning “Have Your Say” hot spots map which is available to Transport for NSW and police, which has over 1000 engagements​;

  • Licence Plate Recognition cameras​;

  • Road modifications like speed humps and chicanes​;

  • Trial closures of Bay Street​;

  • Advocacy ​for noise camera​s;  

  • Advocating for mandatory education of high school students preventing anti-social driving.


As a St George local community member, as a father, and ​as our Premier, we ask ​you to implement these measures immediately:


  1. Speed cameras on ​The Grand Parade and Bay Street​;

  2. More allocation of policing resources to the St George area, including an additional Highway Patrol vehicle.


Additionally​, we ask for you to honour your government​'s commitments to begin noise camera trials in Bay St and Sandringham by the end of 2023, with a commitment to revise the relevant legislation necessary to implement wider noise camera use across the state by the end of 2024.


We also ask that by the start of the school year 2024, mandatory education to prevent anti-social driving is implemented in all NSW high schools.


Yours sincerely, 

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