On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
Summer Competition
2021 - 2022
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Peaceful Bayside is bringing community action and fresh, visionary leadership to Bayside

Heidi Lee Douglas
Independent WARD 5 Councillor
Contact Heidi
I love Bayside and am passionate about making it even better. I am a solutions-based person, who understands what a big impact a good local council has on our everyday lives. My track record shows I am getting things done for the community whilst a councillor.

Joyce Campbell, Heidi Lee Douglas and Steve Kamper MP announcing the noise camera trial for Bayside, February 2023
Peaceful Bayside is a grass-roots, democratic group of people who have come together because we love this community.
As the founder of Peaceful Bayside, and now as your Councillor, I have been working hard to propel Council, police and state government to respond more effectively to our local hooning and dangerous driving issues across Bayside.
This includes:
- Bayside Council's Hooning “Have Your Say” hot spots map which is available to Transport for NSW and police, and which has over 1000 engagements;
- Advocacy for noise cameras;
- Trial pedestrianisation of Bay Street;
- Advocating for mandatory education of high school students preventing anti-social driving;
- Road modifications like speed humps and chicanes, and safer crossings and active transport routes for schools.
On Council, I am pushing for Bayside businesses to be given more opportunities for prosperity. Bayside Council's trial Pop Up Piazza program on Bay Street reimagined our high street as a place for people, but there is more work to do to get these initiatives right.
I have been supporting more large-scale community and cultural events spread across Bayside, to help our economy and bring together our neighbouring communities.

The Bay Community Garden Members, as featured in
The Daily Telegraph
As the previous Secretary of The Bay Community Garden and leader my son’s school garden club, I see the joy and the benefits a community garden brings to all ages. I am working hard to promote more gardening and greening programs in Bayside, including protecting and improving those that already exist. This includes advocating for a "Garden for Wildlife" program, and a "Still Gardening" program, providing volunteers for elderly people to have garden support to enable them to stay in their homes.
I will always stand up to protect our precious green spaces and ensure they are managed appropriately and have advocated for better-managed green spaces throughout Bayside.
Pop Up Piazza, Bay Street - February 2023
After discovering that we have a high incidence of domestic violence in the area, I co-founded Bayside Women as a group to support women in Bayside. On Council, I am a strong voice for empowering local women, including advocating for street lighting and safe passage.
I am also concerned about the mental health of boys and men, so I am advocating for programs for our boys to grow into happy, healthy men; like a mandatory high school education program discouraging anti-social driving.
I have worked with Council and community groups to ensure support for activities for all ages, including seniors, by ensuring initiatives like Men's Sheds, Women's Sheds, and the Community Garden at Muddy Creek are protected and supported. I am pleased to be able to support new community activities for seniors like the Petanque Courts at Bexley Oval.
My children attend a local school and I have been an active P&C and Preschool community member, where I have championed sustainability, inclusivity, and road safety initiatives. On Council, I am helping roll out these initiatives to schools across our community.
As your Councillor, I am pushing Bayside Council to embrace sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. I am also advocating for better active and public transport, electric vehicle infrastructure, more tree canopy, resilience and best practice management of existing synthetic sports fields.

Bayside Women Founders: Heidi Lee Douglas and Carmela Savoca, and Joyce Campbell as featured in The Leader