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SIGN OUR petition
"yes to natural turf"

A motion asking for a report on the installation of all-weather fields at Jellicoe Park (Pagewood), L’Estrange Park (Mascot) and Kingsgrove Avenue Reserve (Bexley) was presented at Bayside Council's July meeting. The motion asked for the detailed report to be presented by November.

With less than two months till the council elections - scheduled for 14 September - an examination of options by November leaves very limited time for community consultation.


We have therefore conducted a quick pulse survey of residents in surrounding streets and they have raised the following concerns:

Environmental Impacts


heat effect

Concerns about future use of the parks

Concerns about future use of the parks

Residents have expressed concern that these proposals will now favour only one sport, soccer, and alienate all other activities. The fields are currently used for a number of sports and activities and are an important area for relaxation for residents. It is important that these important community assets are available to all residents, not just football clubs. This is tantamount to a commercialisation/privatisation of these fields. 


Residents have also raised concerns about increased parking and noise from football club events if this is going to become the dominant use of the fields. Traffic, illegal parking and blocked streets are already a problem around Jellicoe Park.

L'Estrange Park.png

Say YES to more synthetic fields in Bayside:
I object to the natural grass on our sporting fields being replaced with synthetic turf as it will negatively impact our environment, health and community amenity. I believe that the science supports the continued use of grass and it's time to stop further roll-outs across Bayside of synthetic turf as it contributes to the increased incidence of pollution, rising heat and injuries. It also locks other users out of using our parks.

Sign the

Petition Below


Thank you for signING our Petition!

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